As I sit here at my desk conjuring up the words to describe myself an aura of gratitude looms in my 3rd eye. Let's begin here & walk backwards. My single most paramount accomplishment today is fathering to 3 amazing adults. When we talk about inspiration, pride and legacy, I get to leave a gift to all 3. My passion for 'fun' resides in my work ethic and desire for greatness. 28 years as a stuntman, stunt actor & stunt coordinator is a blessing from the Man above. Harnessing my God given talents, taking direction from my peers and acting on the opportunities offered to me on a global scale allows me to provide and give back to the industry that made me. Thanks Mom & Dad 🙏🏾 I am Supergrizz, easily one of the NBA's most dynamic mascots, I am a York university gymnastic national champion, I hold a Bachelor or Science in Physics, I have travelled the globe, I am an entrepreneur, I am a dreamer, I believe do unto others as you want done unto thyself. I am blessed. Thanks for hanging out. Enjoy this amazing layed out digital library of my journey. My intention is inspiration. God bless & dream BIG!
Stunt Rehearsal
Stunts are my heartbeat: Living for the thrillMastering the impossibleFear is just a stepEvery move tells a storyPushing limits, own the stageTurning danger into art